About me:
My name is Anna Laura, I am a student and mixed media artist living in Rotterdam. My background highly influences my works, from personal subjects, aesthetic choices and the medium I use to visualise concepts. My works mainly evolve around photography, both digital and analog, I really enjoy working in the photostudio and construct my own realities. However, I have a strong in digital art but mostly focusing on VR realities, and AI and its connection to the art world. I am always looking for new ways of seeing, and I like to give my works a deep level of research, as well as experimenting with different materials.
About studio photography:
When I work in the studio setting I like to work with model(s) and I very much enjoy the artistic use of make up. I like to explore different lighting techniques and bring my own vision to life. I often find myself creating new characters and focus on the aesthetic to convey different feelings and meanings.
I enjoy spending time in the studio because I am free to construct different realities as I imagine them, and through different light techniques I explore colorful and surreal aesthetics. Working with other creatives really gives me drive to further develop communication skills within project based collaborations, and it really motivates me in being more creative and meeting other's visions too.